My Son, A Year In Heaven, Celebration!

Becca,Brett and Scott Memorial to Dustin in San Diego

Happy 26th Birthday Forever 25
First Year in Heaven
Dustins Special Day Aug 31,2008
My Three Treasures
Becca,Brett and Scott Memorial to Dustin in San Diego
Thank you Little Billy and Becca with All my Heart!
Special Letters and Poems
September Mornings


"He spent his whole life calling out greatness in others and applauding it even when he saw it expressed in the smallest of ways.


Dreams as you will live forever

Live as you will die today

Dustin Marshall Rawls

Sept.2, 1982  - Sept 27th, 2007


An Angel, a friend—Simple

But Complex Man


He would have  carried us all through hurricane waters a fire anything to keep us from harms way

I got this off the making of the cross on Becca’s site.

Thank you all for doing this for Dustin means alot Love,Patti



In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you.I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am you may be also."-John 14:2-3



There is nothing to compare
to the miracle of birth
Few words to share
that will equal it's worth.

In the twinkle of an eye
a new life is formed.
And for a lifetime
a mother's heart is warmed.

In your beginning
a dream coming true.
Open arms awaiting
a miracle such as you.

(c) 1998 Michele
